A Ministry of Beauty
A Ministry of Being, A Ministry of Becoming.
Are you tired of the Disconnect? Are you tired of the divided life?
– trying to live your dream life while living your reality?
– not living the life you desire?
- not being your authentic and complete self?
- not liking and loving the woman you see in the mirror?
To Women Living Whole
A safe space that offers Christian life and self-image coaching, spiritual formation and spiritual direction. Here, women get to be and become who God created them to be. This is a space where there is no longer a disconnect, no more divided living, no more hiding behind a mask, and more loving the you that is in the mirror. WLW is the space, the place where holy guidance is given with loving grace and compassion. Here you are seen, heard and known as the beautiful, worthy, powerful, power-filled, authentic and whole woman God created you to be.

Women Living Whole
1. All of; entire
2. in an unbroken or unchanged state; in one piece
3. a thing that is complete in itself
1. The state of forming a complete and harmonious whole
2. the state of being unbroken or undamaged
1. Have all the necessary or appropriate parts
2. make (something) whole or perfect.
1. Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
“For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So, you also are complete through your union in Christ…” – Colossians 2:9-10 (NIV)
Women being and becoming, living whole, full out, authentic in the midst of their everyday living, doing and being. Women rooted and grounded in God.
About Me
I am Monica Smith, the founder of Women Living Whole. I created WLW because I know what it’s like to struggle, feel stuck, empty, disappointed and unworthy because of beliefs and words that others have said about my appearance, dreams, goals and mistakes. I believe God’s call on my life is to educate, edify, encourage, equip and empower women of all ages as they discover, embrace, celebrate and live who they are and are becoming in and because of Christ.
My prayer is that I get to come alongside women and young girls and guide them in living fully in spite of unbelief, fear and the expectations of others. May they know and receive for themselves personally the depth, width, height and length of the love God has for them. And may they live boldly, courageously and unapologetically as the women He created them to be.
My Background:
Graduate of Skidmore College with a BS in Dance
Graduate of Regent University with an MA in Practical Theology
Credentialed Christian life coach through Life-forming Leadership ​
Commissioned Stephen Minister
30+ years in the retail, fashion and beauty industries.
My Passion:
Almighty God and having a relationship with Him that is forever growing
Beauty in people, moments, surroundings and words
“True beauty emanates from a woman who boldly and unabashedly knows who she is in Christ.” – Author unknown

“Working with Monica was such a joy. She’s fun, funny, honest and knowledgeable. Her passion for helping women be and become shines through in her work.”
“Monica is a quiet giant; a force to be reckoned with!”
“Monica is knowledgeable and extremely honest. I’m truly grateful for her guidance in helping me present an image that is flattering and true to who I am.”